giovedì 2 aprile 2009

Rain, rain, rain

It's raining... and raining... and raining... Hey, I came to Italy - the country of sun and great weather! I was living 7 months in the Netherlands and it was raining there almost every day, but I wasn't surprised with it. When you're living there you can get used to rain just like the Dutch did. There is no other way - you get used or become depressed. Often they don't even use un umbrella if the rain is not heavy. And you need to know that heavy rain in the Netherlands is known as really heavy rain in Poland. That's what the Dutch weather is like. But Italy??? It's not fair. Could you please make it stop raining? Anybody...? Well, I guess that at least ducks that live next to the river are happy with the rain. They didn't seem to mind the rain when I saw them crossing the bridge today. Hmmm... Maybe the ducks here are Dutch...?


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